Prices and Fees
Procedure | Price | |
Initial intake, in-person, telemedicine or phone call, 60 minutes | For new patients only. Includes intake forms and existing tests review (no charge for an additional time) | CA $220 |
Extended follow-up visit, in-person, telemedicine or phone call, 45 minutes | For repeat* patients after the Initial Intake visit (lab work review, treatment plan discussion) and repeat patients with new complaints. | CA $165 |
Follow-up visit, telemedicine or phone call, 45 minutes | For repeat* patients only. Not for new complaints! | CA $165 |
Initial intake (Autism, ADHD, PANDAS/PANS or other Chronic Neurology Cases) in-person, telemedicine or phone call, 90 minutes | For new patients only. Includes intake forms and existing tests review (no charge for an additional time) | CA $275 |
1st Follow up visit (Autism or another Pediatric Neurology Case), telemedicine or phone call, 45 minutes | For repeat* patients after the Initial Intake visit (lab work review, treatment plan discussion) and patients with new complaints. | CA $165 |
Follow-up visit (Autism or another Pediatric Neurology Case), in-person, telemedicine or phone call, 45 minutes | For repeat* patients only. Not for new complaints! | CA $165 |
In-office procedure: acupuncture, 30 minutes session | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $110 |
In-office procedures: regenerative cryotherapy | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $110 |
In-office procedures: IM injections 1ml or 3ml | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $55-$70 |
In-office procedures: IV therapy 1 hour (250ml+~50ml of nutriences). Can be combined with Glutathione up to 1200 ($30) | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $110 + price of the IV bag (~$100) |
In-office procedures: IV therapy 30 min (125ml+~25ml of nutriences). Can be combined with Glutathione up to 1200 or up to 2400mg ($30-$40) | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $70 + price of the IV bag (~$60) |
In-office procedures: IV therapy Iron Infusion 2 hours (500ml NS+~5ml of Monoferric Iron). | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $245 + price of the Monoferric Iron (~$250+) |
In-office procedures: Neural Therapy or Trigger point injections | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $110/15min |
In-Office procedures: Ozone Therapy, bagging (one limp) | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $80 |
In-Office procedures: Ozone Therapy, MiAH | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $130 |
In-Office procedures: Ozone Therapy Rectal or Vaginal | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $80 |
In-Office procedures: Ozone Therapy, IV MAH | For repeat* patients only as part of an individual treatment plan. | CA $250 |
Meet and Greet Visit by Phone | For introductory questions only | Free |
In-Office Pick Up Visit | For repeat* patients only. | Free |
Laboratory tests | price varies by type of test |
*Repeat patient - patients who have seen the Doctor within 1 year.
Payment Methods
MasterCard, Visa, Discover, cheques and cash. No American Express.Insurance
Most extended health insurance plans in Canada cover naturopathic treatments.Direct deposit option is available.