Meet Dr. Elena Matsneva, ND

Dr. Elena Matsneva, ND began researching ways to restore natural health almost 20 years ago. Coming to naturopathic medicine from the field of computer data processing, she is constantly looking for the best ways to restore health. To do this, she uses evidence-based data and her personal experience.

Since 2003, after her child was diagnosed with Autism with Developmental Delays, Elena has been exploring treatment options for this problem and has been sharing this information through her personal websites. She has collaborated with a number of MDs from around the world.

Since 2007 Elena has worked as a Certified Nutritional Consultant. She has consulted parents of children with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on nutrition, lifestyle, diet and naturopathic supplementation.

In 2008, her child was also diagnosed with Lyme disease and co-infections, which greatly expanded Elena’s area of ​​interest.

Even before Elena decided to become a Naturopathic Doctor and started studying at CCNM, she constantly attended seminars and conferences for health care practitioners (in person and online): Klinghardt Academy, AutismOne, Autism Research Institute (DAN! Conferences), LIA (Lyme Induced Autism) Foundation and others. Elena is especially interested in the works of Dr.Klinghardt, MD; Dr. Ben Lynch, ND; Dr.Kochenov, MD; Dr. Douglas J. Phillips, DMD and Dr. Cowden, MD. Elena learned from them:

  • Autonomic Response Tests (ART);
  • Neural Therapy injections protocols;
  • Energetic Detox Protocols;
  • Treatment protocols of Chronic Lyme and Other Chronic Infections;
  • Treatment protocols of Autism and Other Neurological Conditions;
  • Detoxification and Chelation protocols;
  • Methylation and Clinical Nutrigenomics protocols;
  • Destructive and Regenerative Cryotherapy;

After graduation, the area of interest of Elena has expanded significantly. It currently includes a wide variety of health problems with a focus on chronic diseases of any nature including neurological, infectious, and environmental origin.

Professional Education

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine – CCNM (Canada)
Degree Name: Bachelor, Doctor of Naturopathy (2020)
Donetsk State Technical University – DSTU (Ukraine)
Degree Name: Master degree, Systems Engineer (1992)


Certification in Acupuncture, CNPBC
Certification in Prescriptive Authority, CNPBC
Certification in Advanced Injection Therapies - Part A, CNPBC
Certification in IV and Chelation Therapies, CNPBC
Certification in Ozone and Oxidative Therapies, CNPBC

Additional Training

Certificate in Applied Holistic Nutrition (2007), Edison Institute of Nutrition (Canada)
The ILADS Vector-Borne Illness Fundamentals course (2022)
Mold-Literate Certification, Dr. Jill Crista course (USA)


College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (CNPBC)
British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA)
Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)
International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS)

Clinical focus

Dr. Matsneva has a special interest in the treatment of chronic and autoimmune diseases, chronic infectious diseases such as Lyme disease, and childhood neurological diseases such as ASD (Autism), ADHD, PANDAS/PANS, Mold Illness.


Dr. Elena Matsneva is a member of the Russian-speaking community in Canada, and Russian is her first language.
She grew up on the territory of modern Ukraine (city of Donetsk) and left Ukraine in 1997, long before the start of the conflict.
In the current situation, she fully supports the Ukrainian community in Canada.